Happy New Year Visions.


Happy New Year.

Happy New Decade.

I have to say, I am one for New Year Resolutions and specifically, vision boards. Though I like to allow some spaciousness in the plans I make for myself, I have many goals as a new year approaches. Vision boarding is something I did for the first time last year and I found that it acted as a great accountability buddy. Putting what I wanted to create out in the world and up on a wall where I had to look at it every day. This meant I couldn’t hide from it, shoving it down into the depths of a notebook in a bag I was neglecting.

This year, my vision board took on a new vibe. It’s colorful and bright. It’s a blur between a beautiful to do list and a board of inspiration that I want to weave into my thinking and actions. In addition to my personal vision board, I want to share with the digital world a few of my visions and goals for the year.

Some goals, some themes, some focus…

Trust. Trusting myself. Trusting the path. Trusting the fear and the uncertainty.

Surrender. A direct connection to trust. The more I trust, the more surrender becomes possible. The more I can stop pretending that I’m in control. The more I can feel at home with not knowing.

Acceptance and spaciousness. Specifically for painful times and things in my (and in the external world) that I reject. Exploring my aversions with love and curiosity helps to make space for the fear that drives them. The less I can identify with these things and I can understand their service, the more free I become.

Consistency. Creating routines that nourish me and help me be a more loving and patient person. By setting up a daily spiritual practice, I promise inspiration and guidance a safe home and encourage their visits. I commit to myself by prioritizing what I know I need even as other stressors and external demands arise. I value myself, my time, and my growth while teaching others to do the same.

Boundaries. Practicing understanding, articulating, and holding my boundaries firmly. This is huge for relationships with others and only by becoming an expert in understanding what I need, sharing that clearly with others, and honoring these myself, will I be able to create the kind of depth in connection that I seek.

Love. Love freely. Fear love less. Allow love many expressions and don’t try to fit it into unnatural forms. Allow it to flow, welcome it here, and continue to open my heart. I can close my heart when I fear loss or instability. I am eager to learn how to keep my heart open in these times.

Generosity. Give for the pleasure of giving. Dig into the volition behind my actions. Am I secretly expecting something in return? Am I seeking some sort of validation? Does it feel clean?